

Mount Kailash Yatra (16 days)

Mt. Kailash (6714m) is the most sacred mountain in Asia. It is believed to be the physical embodiment of the mythical Mt Meru, said to be the center of the universe or 'navel of the world' . Mt. Meru is depicted as a mandala, and its image occurs throughout both Buddhista and Hindu parts of Asia. Mt. Kailash has long been an object of worship for four Major religious, for Hindu, it is domain of Shiva, It is also the abode of samvara-a multiarmed, wrathful deity worshipped in the chakrasamvara Tantric cycle of Tibetrian Buddhism. The jains of India also reverse the mountain as the site at which the first of their saints emancipated. And in the ancient Bon religion of Tibet, Kailash was the secret nine storey Swastika Mountain, upon which the Banpo founder Shenrab alighted from haven.

The 53 Km. Kailash circuit is the holist of all-Hindu as well as Buddist pilgrimages and the beacon, which draws most traveler to western Tibet. It is said that a single Parikarma erases the accumulated sins of a lifetime, while 108 circulations will achieve Salvation. Lake Mansarovar- At an elevation of 4510m is more important to Hindus than to Buddhists. Hindu pilgrims make an 85km. circuit around Manasarovar that is made longer and more difficult by marshes and complicated stream crossings.

Day 01 Kathmandu (1300 m.) arrival: 

Pick up from the airport/ Drive to hotel/ briefing/ if time permits our guide will take you to Pashupatinath for Dharsan during Arati time. Dinner 

Day 02 Kathmandu : 

Breakfast, trip to temples and back to Hotel for lunch. After lunch, final preparation for yatra i.e, checking and demonstration of equipments which will be used during yatra. If any body needs to buy or get things on hire, our staff will give you company. Dinner. 

Day 03 Drive to Nylam (150km), 3750m: 

Morning after breakfast leave Kathmandu to commence yatra to Nyalam [3800M]. We reach Friendship Bridge [ Nepal - China Boarder] by mini-coach. Walk along for 10 minutes to cross the bridge and there get acquainted with Chinese guide and land cruiser drivers. They will give a brief information regarding the further trip then proceed the journey to Zangmu, where all the immigration and custom formalities are ought to be accomplished. After the accomplishment of all formalities, we proceed to Nyalam. Arrival at Nyalam and overnight stay at guesthouse. 

Day 04 Rest Day at Nylam, 3750m: It is more a day for acclimatization. 

Day 05 Saga/4450m: 

(Labug-La 5050m, Peku-tso and Saga, 232km) On the first long driving day over the sandy and rocky land of Tibet, other things like lake, nomads chasing thousands of yaks and sheep keep you busy. By the late afternoon you will cross Bhramha Purtra River way to typical Chinese and Tibetan town, Saga for night. 

Day 06 Paryang (4600m) 185 km 7-8 hrs: 

Jeeps and trucks roll on the wide valley following rivers and grazing land of yaks and sheep. Far south you can see snow covered peaks near by you, lots of rocky peaks and sand duns give you an ideal world. Depends on season, nomads and other mobile shopkeepers are attired by beautiful traditional costume, waiting your arrival with hot tea and other supplies along with big smile 

Day 07 Drive Paryang to Manasarover (4558m) 277km 8 hours: 

The longest driving day starts with full of excitement, by the late afternoon you can have the first sight of Holy Kailash Parbat and Manasarovara. Hore, a small village near by Lake Manasarover . 

Holy-Manasarovara: At 14950-ft/ 4558m. The highest lake of fresh water with turquoise complexion in the world is full of fishes and swans. Holy Kailash Parbat, Mt. Gurula-Mandala , Lake Rashekshi are lying on its surrounding. The region is considered rich for gold and other mines, hot springs and hundreds of wild living creatures. Night will be spending at Chu Gumba. 

Day 08 Puja and drive to Tarchen (14975ft) 40km: 

Manasarovara is the lake of compassion, tranquility and bliss. After completing the memorable morning Bath and Puja we will be heading towards Tarchen. It is considered as a base camp for the Holy Kailash Parikrama. 

Day 09 Trek to Dehara Puk/5000m: 

It is one of the exciting days walking along the beautiful rocky cliffs; water falls with some clouds in the clear blue sky make you feeling that Great God Shiva is every where with tons of blessing to you. Time to time the face of Kailash Parbat will be keep on appearing. For 15 km trail it takes almost 7 hrs. 

Day 10 Hardest but Holiest day of your pilgrimage Yatra with Dolma-La (pass) of 18600ft between two valleys: Yamasthal should be crossed to reach the Shiva-sthal while your steps go closer to the pass. Once you reach the top, just do the holiest offering and sit down for meditation to forget yourself. Once your steps go down, Parvati-stal and Gauri Kunda are on the way. By the late afternoon you will arrive Zuthal Puk (the cave of Miracles . The great ascetic Milerappa is supposed to have performed miracles here). 

Day 11 End of Kailash Parikrama and drive to Manasarovara: 

After walking 3 hours, all the driving crew will be waiting your arrival. By the late afternoon you will be at your lodge/camp. 

Day 12 Drive to Paryang (277km) 7-8 hr. 

Day 13 Day 13 Drive Pary to Saga (185km) 7-8 hrs 

Day 14 Drive to Nylam or Zang Mu: (296km) 6-7 hr. 

Day 15 Drive back to Kathmandu (150 km) 9-10 hr. 

Day 16 Transfer to airport for your onward flight.
