

Tibet overland tour

Tibet is a rich and beautiful land with an average altitude over 4,000m (13,120ft) above sea level. Possessing more than fifty peaks above7,000m (22,960ft), Tibet is home to eleven Himalayan mountains over 8,000m (26,240ft).

Spiritual traditions, temples and monasteries, lakes and rivers, and mighty snow clad peaks are just a few of the intoxicating wonders to be experienced by adventurous travelers who get the opportunity to visit this land. Buddhism, with a history of some 1,300 years is shaped into a unique form of "Lamaism". Tibetan history, culture and religion are mixed together and infiltrate every aspect of social life. Tibetan religious arts have a distinctive style with adoption of Indian and Chinese Buddhist influence, thus forming a pearl of Oriental Buddhist art. The various people who live on the Tibetan plateau, such as Tibetans, Monpas, Lhopas and Moslems, each have their own unique of traditions of marriage, burial birth, and other ceremonies. Festivals in Tibet are numerous providing many opportunities for large and exciting celebrations. So come and visit the land rich in mountains, monks, mystery and adventure.


Departing at 0530 am from Kathmandu, approx. 05 hrs drive along the Arniko Highway , will take us to Kodari ( China / Nepal Border). We cross the Friendship Bridge at the border & drive to Zhangmu by jeep (or truck) where after completion of immigration formalities, we will enter to the Chinese Autonomous Region & start the first night in the Tibetan plateau. We will be staying at the hotel/guest house nearby Zhangmu. Overnight at Zhangmu. 


From Zhangmu, we drive to Lhatse, following the Bhote Koshi River valley with the plenty of waterfalls on our eyes. This route is the most adventurous route among the others as it offers the panoramic views of the high mountains including the highest peak Everest (8848m) with Langtang (7367m), Xixapangma (8012m), Makalu (8464m) Lhotse (8516m), Cho Oyu (8153m). We get chance to pass by the high passes like Nyalam Pass (3750 m), Tong-La (5120m) La Lung-la (5124m) & Gyatso-la (5220 m). We continue our drive passing Tingri (4390 m) & stay at Xegar (also known as New Tingri,). Overnight at Xegar. 


From Xegar, we continue our drive to Xigatse , Tibet 's second-largest city, lying near the union of the Nyang Chu and the Tsang Po, on the main route between Gyantse and West Tibet . It is the place of famous Tashilumpo Monastery. Overnight at Xigatse. 


In Xigatse, we visit Tashilumpo Monastery, one of the four great Gelug monasteries renowned as the seat of the Panchen Lama until his death in 1989. After visiting Tashilunpo Monastery in the morning including the Bazaar of Xigatse, We drive to the capital of the small kingdom in 15th century. Gyantse. Visit Gyantse Kumbum (the highest Chorten in Tibet ) & Pelkor Chode Monastery founded in 1418. Overnight at Gyantse. 


Drive to Lhasa , crossing the Karo-la Pass (5045m), we pass by the Yamdrok Tso, the turquoise lake & one of the four holy lakes in Tibet . Then after passing the Kamba-la Pass (4794m), we find ourselves close to the Lhasa Valley . After crossing the Brahmaputra River , we reach Lhasa , our final destination. Lhasa lies in the Kyichu river valley at 3,595m and is dominated by the magnificent Potala Palace , built in the 17th century by the Great Fifth Dalai Lama. 

Day 06-07 LHASA 

These days you will be engrossed with sightseeing and excursion of the Potala Palace (A great museum with its proportions and priceless treasures) Jokhang Temple (the holiest of Tibetan shrines, houses two images of the Buddha brought as dowry by Songtsen Gampo's Nepali and Chinese queens) along the bustling street of Barkhor Market. In Lhasa you will also visit Norbu Lingka (the summer palace of the Dalai Lamas), Drepung and Sera Monasteries. Overnight at Lhasa 


Start your return journey to Lhatse. Overnight at Lhatse. 


Drive to Nyalam from Lhatse, your another stoppage back from Lhasa . Overnight at Nyalam 


Drive to Zhangmu & complete immigration formalities, drive back to Kathmandu . 

The above itineraries are subject to change due to condition beyond our control. This is guideline showing tea house or tentative camp night stops. Physical, Technical and Natural condition may change this above itineraries.
